1. Documenation
  2. WooCommerce Sales Trigger
  3. Miscellaneous


Troubleshooting: I have set up triggers but they are not showing up?

Before proceeding further make sure positions are correct on the single product page.

Please see the detailed explanation of how each trigger:

Savings Trigger: You need to set up sale price, to see this trigger in action. If a product has a sale price, then savings can be calculated.

Low Stock Trigger: You need to have inventory ON to see the working. System pick ups left stock units from the inventory. Read here for details

Deal Expiry Trigger: You need to set up scheduled sales to show the deal expiry timer. Read FAQs on this page for better understanding.

Best Seller Badge/ List: It picks up data from the real orders and calculates most sold products and shows best seller. You can try increasing date limits to say 1 year in case it's not showing up. This happens for stores with less order. Read here for details

Sales Snippet/ Count: Again make sure that you have orders on the products to show it up. You can also manually add order from WC backend and see if it comes on the single product page. Read here for details

Smarter Reviews: Again make sure that reviews are ON. Read here for details.

Guarantee: This would work as it is. Whatever the data is input, it will be displayed.

Static Badges: This would work as it is. Whatever the data is input, it will be displayed.
We have very detailed videos for using WooCommerce Sales Trigger. Do check out this. It will give you ideas on set up.

Back to original question: I have setup triggers but they are not showing up?

There are multiple reasons why you may not be seeing triggers  on product page despite setting them up properly:

  1. May be you have set it up at product level and any changes you make at global level will have
  2. May be you have set up multiple triggers , try changing the priority order to up
  3. You have set up caching plugin.Try resetting cache.
  4. You have used rule builder to exclude some products and this one is that very product.
  5. Theme has modified native WooCommerce positions heavily. In that case contact support.


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