Is Your WooCommerce Store Trustworthy? Here's How To Make It & Convert Better

If you want to make your WooCommerce store trustworthy, they you’re bang on at the right place.

Do you track your WooCommerce store’s conversion rates?

And then ask yourself these troubling questions:

“I am getting traffic over to my store but people are not buying.

These are the right set of people because they are coming from credible groups where my target audience hangs out and targeted ads.

But they’re still not converting! What do I do about it? Where am I going wrong?”

While you’re asking those questions, your first-time visitors are have the following questions running in their heads:

“Am I at the right place?”, “Should I stay here?”, “Is it for me?”

Your job as a store owner is to answer these questions through your store’s messaging and through some critical pages.

In this post, we’ll look at bullet-proof ways to make your WooCommerce store trustworthy. Use this post to discover what’s missing from your arsenal of conversion strategies.

And find out what you can do to fix the leaks in your funnel.

Discover The 3 Solid Ways To Make Your WooCommerce Store Trustworthy

In the nutshell, here’s what this video covers:

#1: Create a Compelling “Our Story” Page

If you do not have an “Our Story” page in your eCommerce store, I am sure, it’s not because you haven’t thought about it.

This thought has crossed your mind a bazillion times.

But the reason why you don’t have it is because you don’t think you need an ‘Our story’ page.

Think about this, Amazon doesn’t have it and maybe, you sell vapes or kids clothing or grandma’s jewelry.

You don’t think anyone cares about your story.

But the truth is that people still buy from people!

And if you look at your store from a new users’ perspective- he’s still trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

So he wants to know more about your story and you.

The About Us section is one of the first things I check when I try to find whether the online store I visit for the first time is legitimate. Telling real e-stores from scammers is an important issue for the first-time visitors, so time spent on preparing About Us page is the time invested in your website’s credibility.

– Pawel Markowski, Quora user said in response to the question “How important is the about us page on an eCommerce store?”

You definitely should not miss the opportunity of creating a good impression on your site visitors through a compelling story.

“The About Us page of your online store is extremely important and if you use it right, it will help you increase sales. E-commerce shoppers want to know more about who they’re buying from and the only place they’re really going to get that information is on just one web page – your About Us page.”
– Linda Rosencrance , contributor, Kissmetrics

But of course it can be a bit stressful to write the “Our Story” page especially if you struggle with writing.

So don’t worry, I want to share with you a framework to craft your story.

Answer these three questions in the right order and you will have a compelling our story page ready:

1. Why do you do what you do

In this section, talk about the problem that you’re trying to solve and why you’re solving that problem.

Highlight what led you to selling the products that you’re selling. Did you discover the industry by accident? Did you first use your products yourself?

2. Who’s behind the brand

Use this section to bring out your personality. No one wants to buy from a faceless website. Did you start up the store with a friend or your spouse?

How old were you when you got started?

Talk about what you were doing before jumping on this exciting journey of selling products online.

3. What do you believe in

Talk about your mission and values here. Your belief must tie in with the products you’re selling.

You may go a step further and tell them where you’re based to add some local flavors of your city to your story.

You’ll love this “our story” page from BrewDog:


So this little paragraph perfectly follows the framework and the story of BrewDog comes out beautifully.

Do this and your store will become more trustworthy.

#2: Ditch Stock Photography and Use Real Pictures of Your Customers

Stock photography is long dead.

If you’re selling t-shirts, show your customers wearing your t-shirts and flaunting them.

Selling mugs? Show them in real environments, kept on your customers’ study table or maybe it’s in his hands or something.

Or selling planners and Diaries? Show used planners and diaries, colored and scribbled notes and all of that.

Take a look at this section from


The best part about pictures like these is that when people see your products in the hands of others, their mirror neurons get activated.

It’s because of which they do feel an insatiable itch to own that product and this is where you get to make a sale.

So encourage people to share their pictures while using your products and you can grab their Instagram shots or Facebook photos and feature them on the homepage of your store.

This will significantly improve the trust quotient of your website.

You may be thinking, “How can I get people to pose with my products? It’s a big ask.”

Yes, that’s right. But there a few ways that you can use to encourage people to send over photos or to post photos with your products. Here are some:

1. Offer them a chance to get featured on your website

2. Give them a chance to win a gift certificate

3. Offer a small token discount for their next purchase from your store

So you use any of these three baits and get people to start posing and posting for you.

Well now you may be thinking:

“I’m not selling anything as desirable. My products are really not lifestyle product so it’ll be very hard for me to encourage people to pose and post for me”.

I get it! But for that I would like you to draw inspiration from Cutco. Cutco is a company that sells premium cutlery. Could there be anything more boring than that?

But they have made it an interesting deal, they get people to ‘share their slice’. And voila!

People post their meals and other kitchen photos using their Instagram handle:  woocommerce-store-trustworthy-share-your-pictureAnd they also share moments in the kitchen where then they’re chopping veggies with the Cutco knife in the picture!

So that makes it really engaging and also very interesting!

If you still can’t manage to get images from your customers, don’t worry. You can show assorted testimonials in form of text and the star ratings on the home page or at the bottom of every product page.

Here’s how Xero Shoes does that:


This will help you instantly win trust.

#3: Feature a Rock-Solid, Credible Guarantee for Your Products

When someone makes a purchase they experience a sense of pain and in psychology, this is also called, “loss aversion”.

People hate to make a loss and parting with money is a loss.

It comes with pain and there is one powerful technique that you can use to pacify this pain.

It is to put up a rock-solid, credible guarantee in your store.

People simply don’t want to make a purchase that they’ll regret, and saying no is their way of avoiding just that. But you know they won’t regret it; you simply need to prove it to them.

How do you do it? You use a convincing guarantee to silence that objection and get them to take a leap of faith.

– Nathan Hangen is the co-founder of Virtuous Giant, creator of IgnitionDeck, a crowdfunding plugin for WordPress.

When shoppers see that you stand by our products and are willing to even offer them a refund, if there is a need, their trust in you multiplies.

To show you how you can give powerful guarantees for your products in your store, I’d like to take you to

Well they call their guarantee: the ‘high-five’ guarantee so that it stands out and people notice:

Take a look:woocommerce-store-trustworthy-guaranteeThey also have a nice, fun video here about the high-five guarantee:

Here’s another example from

Nutrabay uses the ‘guarantee trigger‘ to make the product pages more credible and trustworthy:


They use Sales Triggers by XLPlugins.

What this rock-solid, bulletproof guarantee does to the human mind is that it tells it that the people are credible, they can be trusted.

They are not sitting here to take people’s money away and rip them off.

Job done, mission accomplished!

Final Thoughts

Trust is always earned. It takes time and it’s a process. But if you follow the right strategies and techniques, you can get there much faster.

And once your WooCommerce store starts appearing credible to potential buyers, you’ll lower your bounce rates significantly. Also, you’ll get more repeat customers.

For any online store, the best way to increase revenue is to get repeat customers.

So what are you waiting for? Follow these three simple strategies to start your trust-building journey today.

Additional Resource: Refer to the WooCommerce checklist here to increase WooCommerce sales.

Published by Tavleen Kaur

Tavleen is a conversion strategist at XLPlugins. She helps store owners identify hidden opportunities in their store to make more sales. Reach out to her to learn more about turning your WooCommerce store into a cash-generating asset.
