The Most Profitable WooCommerce Promotions That Will Supercharge Sales in 2018

Download this free actionable guide now and discover: 

  • How to make your promotions desirable to whip shoppers into a buying frenzy (Tactic #2)
  • The simple promotional tactic that increased an online store, Miss Etam’s conversion by 8.6% (Tactic #7)
  • The most popular type of promotional offer that works off-season too and pulls consistent sales (Tactic #8)
  • The quickest way to make your emails effective and turn dormant subscribers into buyers (Tactic #6)
  • How to promote the Free Shipping campaign in your store such that people can’t ignore it (Tactic #10)
  • What to do when you’re launching a new product to build hype & sell out fast (Tactic #11)
  • The ‘Kickstarter’ trick to sell-out limited edition products. This tactic is also used by Amazon to sell exclusive deals on site (Tactic #12)
  • And more such little-known, underdog tactics used by bigwigs like Amazon, Zappos, Crate & Barrel to score conversion goals every day!

Plus! Plug & Play copy templates to inform shoppers about your on-going campaigns!

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Pick up the right promotions, deploy them and watch more sales roll in on autopilot!

These are not just recommendations to boost your store sales. Each tactic is tried and tested and backed by conversion case studies. I’ve made sure that you get everything you need to execute these ideas. No more wondering why some stores convert so well while your sales remain slow.

Tavleen Kaur, Conversion Strategist