Every new sale comes at a cost. And sometimes this cost is more than the cost of the sale. Sounds familiar?
The gurus and the experts have all been telling you to invest in Facebook, Instagram advertising and even Google ads.
They say spend a dollar on ads and make two in return. “Buy traffic” – they say.
But you know the math is not as simple as it sounds.
With advertising costs inflating and the average order value shrinking, the equation’s gone haywire.
And that makes the business rather unsustainable. You often wonder:
“How can I optimize my Facebook ads?”
“Is there a way to lower my acquisition costs?”
“Does it even work for my business?”
Sounds familiar? You know the grind.
BUT the culprit is elsewhere.
The culprit is in your average order value.
When you ramp up your AOV, you’ll never again worry about your ad expenses/acquisition costs.