Every new sale comes at a cost. And sometimes this cost is more than the cost of the sale. Sounds familiar?

The gurus and the experts have all been telling you to invest in Facebook, Instagram advertising and even Google ads.

They say spend a dollar on ads and make two in return. “Buy traffic” – they say.

But you know the math is not as simple as it sounds.

With advertising costs inflating and the average order value shrinking, the equation’s gone haywire.

And that makes the business rather unsustainable. You often wonder:

“How can I optimize my Facebook ads?”

“Is there a way to lower my acquisition costs?”

“Does it even work for my business?”

Sounds familiar? You know the grind.

BUT the culprit is elsewhere.

The culprit is in your average order value.

When you ramp up your AOV, you’ll never again worry about your ad expenses/acquisition costs.

Introducing: The Bullet Course on Boosting Your AOV Without Raising Product Prices

Module #1

How To Calculate The Average Order Value of Your Store

WooCommerce Countdown Timer

How To Calculate The Average Order Value of Your Store

Got a time-sensitive sale on a product?

Inform your shoppers about it. Deal Expiry Trigger displays the number of days or hours left before the sale ends. This trigger induces fear of missing out and make people act fast.

WooCommerce Countdown Timer
Module #2
WooCommerce Countdown Timer

Discover The Core Essentials of Successful Product Bundling That Lifts AOV by up to 30%

WooCommerce Countdown Timer

Discover The Core Essentials of Successful Product Bundling That Lifts AOV by up to 30%

  • How to decide what items you should bundle together?
  • How to promote your bundle to ensure maximum uptakes? (Examples and Case Studies)
  • The Essential Elements of a High-Converting Bundle
  • Step by step tutorial on how to execute product bundling in WooCommerce
Module #3

How To Tap Into The Power of 'Free' To Make People Buy More

WooCommerce Countdown Timer

How To Tap Into The Power of 'Free' To Make People Buy More

  • Why unconditional free shipping is a profit-hurting strategy and what you should do instead
  • How to set up various free shipping conditions in your WooCommerce store?
  • The fool-proof purchase incentives that increase total order value
WooCommerce Countdown Timer
Module #4
WooCommerce Countdown Timer

Uncover The Little-Known Secret To Creating High-Traffic 'Buying Guides'

WooCommerce Countdown Timer

Uncover The Little-Known Secret To Creating High-Traffic 'Buying Guides'

  • Why ‘buying guides’ are the missing link in your WooCommerce SEO strategy?
  • What are they and how can you build a war-chest of high-traffic ‘buying guides’?
  • How successful stores are deploying this little-known hack to boost their average order value?
Module #5

How To Work Subscription Into Your Business For an AOV Boost of up to 50%

WooCommerce Countdown Timer

How To Work Subscription Into Your Business For an AOV Boost of up to 50%

Most shoppers have last minute sales-blocking objections. They look for assurances before they commit to purchase. Guarantee Trigger activates an eye-catching box that addresses sales-blocking objections about product quality, return & shipping policy. You can even display the trust seals to amp-up your store’s credibility.

WooCommerce Countdown Timer
Module #6
WooCommerce Countdown Timer

How To Deploy 'Bounce Right Back' Campaigns & Increase Same Day AOV

WooCommerce Countdown Timer

How To Deploy 'Bounce Right Back' Campaigns & Increase Same Day AOV

A typical store battles with fewer customer reviews. Statements such as ‘2 customer reviews or 4.1 Rating’ don’t convince visitors to buy. Worse, these single digit numbers can have a negative impact.

Smarter Reviews trigger reframes the argument to show larger numbers. Phrases such as “90% Buyer Satisfaction Rate” or “98% customers gave this item more than the 4-star rating” have built-in social proof and are far more persuasive than presenting mere facts about total customer reviews.

Module #7

Unleash The Power of One Click Upsells & Sell More To The Same Buyers

WooCommerce Countdown Timer

Unleash The Power of One Click Upsells & Sell More To The Same Buyers

Best-seller products are your cash cows. This trigger displays a best seller badge on the product page that primes shoppers that the product is selling well. They deduce from this that if others are buying it, it must be good. This badge gives them a virtual pat on the back for making a popular choice and motivates them to buy.

WooCommerce Countdown Timer

You've Seen a Ton of Fluffy Articles Like These

These Posts Give You Several Ideas But They Never Dive Deep Into Execution

This Instructional Bullet Course Guides You At Every Step of The Way

Did You Notice Something?

Look how these triggers have turned a bland product page with plenty of white spaces INTO a trustworth sales-pulling asset, even though the product description is skinny.

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Features Designed To Grow Your Store Sales